
I’m the only one in the  group on the sand side of the pond­—go UK!  I am a writer, a reader, and now, a reviewer.  For a long time, I was just a lurker hidden in the shadows of online reviewing. I would read these great, often indie published, books and have opinions, disagree with other reviewers but never state my mind. Then I thought, "You know what? I've read voraciously since I was seven, I think I have the right to validate my points."

So around mid 2012, I started to post reviews on if the book was available there, then at the start of 2013 I also began to post on

That year I stacked up a massive 125 books read! This shocked me, I'd never kept track before. This was also the year I began to request a few ARCs (advanced reader copies) of books, a copy, usually before or at the beginning of publication, the author wanted reviewed. I thoroughly enjoy this aspect and hope to expand and do more from now on,  though I hope to some day return to writing my own fiction novel about a pair of teens who  find their way into an alternate world where the animal and sentient life is lizard based, not mamillian.  You should see how cool their “horses” are!